Tieknot grammars


Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson

Different grammars for tie knots

In our paper, we specify a number of grammars for different variations of tie knot families. In our BNF-style notation below, we will use [foo] to denote a non-terminal symbol. We will avoid using optionally included symbols.

Fink and Mao

First off, a grammar based on the rules used by Fink and Mao in their original paper.

[tie] ::= L [L_]
[L_]  ::= R [R_] | C [C_] | RCU
[R_]  ::= L [L_] | C [C_] | LCU
[C_]  ::= L [L_] | R [R_]

You can explore this grammar interactively.

The generating function for this language is z3/((1+z)(1-2z)).

Length: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 total
# knots: 1 1 3 5 11 21 43 85

Singly tucked

A first extension of the tie knot grammar allows for arbitrarily located tucks, but that only tuck under the most recently created bow across the knot. This is their grammar:

[tie] ::= L [L_]  | LR [R_]  | LC [C_]
[L_]  ::= RL [L_] | CL [L_]  |
          RC [C_] | RCU [C_] | RCU |
          CR [R_] | CRU [R_] | CRU
[R_]  ::= LR [R_] | CR [R_]  |
          CL [L_] | CLU [L_] | CLU |
          LC [C_] | LCU [C_] | LCU
[C_]  ::= LC [C_] | RC [C_]  |
          RL [L_] | RLU [L_] | RLU |
          LR [R_] | LRU [R_] | LRU

You can explore this grammar interactively.

The generating function for this language is 2z3(2z+1)/(1-6z2).

Length: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 total
# knots: 2 4 12 24 72 144 432 864 2 592 4 146 15 552 24 882

Fully tucked

For the widest range of tie knots we can describe, we will be using the Turnwise/Widdershins notation. You can translate back to the easier to read LRC notation by assuming an L starting symbol, and then using the translation table:

If I am in: L R C
And see T: C L R
And see W: R C L

The grammar for arbitrarily deeply tucked tie knots then is:

    [tie]    ::= [prefix] ([pair | tuck])* [tuck]
    [prefix] ::= T | W | ε
    [pair]   ::= TT | TW | WT | WW
    [tuck]   ::= [ttuck2] | [wtuck2]
    [ttuck2] ::= TT[w0]U | TW[w1]U
    [wtuck2] ::= WW[w0]U | WT[w2]U
    [w0]     ::= WW[w1]U | WT[w0]U | TW[w0]U | TT[w2]U |
                 [ttuck2]'[w2]U    | [wtuck2]'[w1]U    | ε
    [w1]     ::= WW[w2]U | WT[w1]U | TW[w1]U | TT[w0]U |
                 [ttuck2]'[w0]U    | [wtuck2]'[w2]U
    [w2]     ::= WW[w0]U | WT[w2]U | TW[w2]U | TT[w1]U |
                 [ttuck2]'[w1]U    | [wtuck2]'[w0]U

You can explore this grammar interactively.

Length: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 total
# knots: 2 4 20 40 192 384 1 896 3 792 19 320 38 640 202 392 266 682