Explore - The full tieknots language
Explore the Singly Tucked tie-tying grammar
The grammar that encodes the 24,882 singly-tucked tie-knots enumerated by Hirsch, Markström, Patterson, Sandberg and Vejdemo-Johansson is:
[tie] ::= [prefix] ([pair | tuck])* [tuck]
[prefix] ::= T | W | ε
[pair] ::= TT | TW | WT | WW
[tuck] ::= [ttuck2] | [wtuck2]
[ttuck2] ::= TT[w0]U | TW[w1]U
[wtuck2] ::= WW[w0]U | WT[w2]U
[w0] ::= WW[w1]U | WT[w0]U | TW[w0]U | TT[w2]U |
[ttuck2]'[w2]U | [wtuck2]'[w1]U | ε
[w1] ::= WW[w2]U | WT[w1]U | TW[w1]U | TT[w0]U |
[ttuck2]'[w0]U | [wtuck2]'[w2]U
[w2] ::= WW[w0]U | WT[w2]U | TW[w2]U | TT[w1]U |
[ttuck2]'[w1]U | [wtuck2]'[w0]U
To start: choose by clicking the pale blue grammar symbol below to build a tieknot. The knot sequence will emerge to the left of the clickable symbol.